NBC’s Today Show: How a DEXA Scan Can Help You
Click HERE to watch full video: A segment on NBC’s Today Show demonstrated how a DEXA Scan Can Help You take care of yourself with a full body scan using the GE Lunar iDXA system. The scan takes about 7 minutes, uses low-dose radiation, and provides a wealth of information. They did a Total […]
5 New Co-Sponsors Added to DXA Bill-HR 2461, our Grassroots is Helping!
Very important, DEXA Bill is picking up major momentum: Have everyone you know send a letter to Congress, literally takes 10 seconds. This is about preserving the point of care for DEXA Scanning and will affect our parents, grandparents and eventually us. Have all customers and clients also fill out Tell Us Your Story. Many […]
More NFL Teams are using iDXA technology
More NFL Teams are using iDXA technology The Oakland Raiders, the Green Bay Packers and a few other teams that have played in recent Super Bowls are among the growing number of teams in the NFL to use iDXA technology. The technology – known as DXA or DEXA Scans – is recognized as the best […]
Current update on DXA Whole Body Scans for weight loss and health
Current update on DXA Whole Body Scans for weight loss and health Complete Medical Services is the leading provider of bone density equipment. Typically when thinking about DXA (‘dexa’) equipment, the first thought is simply a bone density scan that is synonymous with osteoporosis. While it is true that DXA is the best way to detect […]
Consider this fitness tool that measures where you store fat and your metabolic health
Consider this fitness tool that measures where you store fat and your metabolic health Complete Medical Services is the leading provider of bone density equipment and the exclusive provider for the DexaFit organization. The technology – known as DXA or DEXA Scans – is recognized as the best method to measure your body fat percentage, […]