Shockwave Therapy is a non-invasive treatment for soft tissue, bone, heel & joint pain with no side effects. When a patient is treated with this technology it naturally accelerates the processes of tissue repair and regeneration, increasing circulation and tissue repair within a few days after the first treatment. le
The Shockwave D-Actor is an FDA, 510(k) cleared medical device for the treatment of musculoskeletal pain. It has been proven to reduce pain and improve the regenerative and healing of an injury, rather than further damage an area that has degenerated because of poor blood flow, tissue injury, overuse or weakness.
Shockwave generated with an electromagnetic source cause minimal pain and can be precisely dosed. Shockwaves were first used in the early 1980s to fragment kidney stones. Acoustic waves have the benefit of penetrating deep into tissue while being minimally invasive and limiting exposure to diseases.
“91% Improvement for Shoulder Pain”
*Journal of American Medical Association, 2003
“8 Times More Effective for Hamstring Pain than Regular Physiotherapy and Chiropractic Treatment”
* The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2010
Want to learn more about Shockwave Therapy and how you can utilize it to effectively treat your patients?
We offer on-line remote training for the proper use and utilization of the Shockwave system.
With our years of experience we have been able to secure some of the lowest pricing in the industry, and often our financing sources can offer deferred payments and $0 down. Learn more