ISCD Working to Restore DXA Funding in Fiscal Cliff Bill

We have an opportunity in the next few weeks to address the Medicare cuts to DXA in the budget/tax (Fiscal Cliff) package currently being drafted in Congress. ISCD is working with its coalition partners to make sure that key members of Congress understand the gravity of the situation. You are a critical piece of the larger strategy to make sure that our message gets to policy makers.

Please remember: with your past help we won two of the last three rounds in Congress on the DXA issue that resulted in Medicare being forced to increase the DXA rates for 26 months–from January 2010-March 1 2012. Those past successes were due to your efforts–your phone calls, emails and visits in Washington all laying out the case for DXA–the value of the test, the effect of the cuts on patients, what continued cuts will mean for your practice.

We are in the unique position of being able to get Congress to intervene in a Medicare rate issue. We need your help, state by state, district by district, to convince Congress of the need to include a DXA provision in the budget/tax bill currently being negotiated.  Please click through this alert and send your Members of Congress a pre-drafted email urging Congress to address DXA before they adjourn.

Please take a moment to click on the link below to send a quick email.  And if you can, please share this alert with as many people as possible.  Thanks for your continued support. As always, we will keep you posted of any developments throughout the negotiations. If you have questions, please call ISCD Legislative Counsel, Donna Fiorentino at 860-402-2159.

Click the link below to log in and send your message:


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