Help ISCD in their effort to restore reimbursements for Bone Density (DXA)

ISCD and the Fracture Prevention Coalition are working to persuade Congress to include a DXA provision in a larger Medicare bill. The proposed provision would partially restore DXA payment to about $98 and VFA payment to $25. We are contacting you today, because members of your Congressional delegation are critical to our efforts.

Donna Fiorentino from ISCD will be heading to Washington, DC next week to meet with key members of Congress and she needs your help to demonstrate the local effects of the DXA cuts in your area.  Your calls and emails will help to reinforce the need to address DXA in the Medicare bill.

Please click on the link below to send a pre-drafted email and email me directly at [email protected]  if you are willing to sign an op-ed, generate a petition or have a patient that is willing to participate in our efforts. As always, thank you for your continued support.
Click the link below to log in and send your message:


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